Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 16

It has been so long since my last post! Life got a bit crazy a week or so ago with the tough decision we had to make about our cat, Remy. We decided it was best for the future of our family that Remy find a new home after we had been dealing with his urinating outside the litter box since we had adopted him. The humane society did their testing and found that he was un-adoptable due to his issues with the litter box and other behavior problems along with his age. They suggested that euthanasia would be best and after praying about it we agreed. It was the hardest thing we have had to make a decision about. We are going to miss you fat boy.

After all that stress and sadness, we had our anniversary trip to Steamboat Springs to look forward to. We had the best time just being together. We went on our first hike since being pregnant, where I suddenly felt very pregnant and uncoordinated. We remarked many times how great it will be to bring our little ones with us and enjoy the outdoors with them. I had a touch of nostalgia though as I was thinking that it was most likely our last getaway just the two of us and perhaps I had taken our time alone for granted. Almost 6 years of Eric and Alyssa time is coming to an end and I will soon have to share my husband with our precious little one. I am of course not sad or bitter of the change, we have wanted this for sometime, I just can't grasp how much of a change it will really be yet.
In pregnancy news, nothing really exciting to report. Here's my list of not so exciting things instead:

  • After our second meeting with the midwife, we confirmed that there is still a baby in there! We only heard a total of 10 heart beats though because this baby seemed to be doing all sorts of flips and turns in there, refusing to sit still, sounds just like Eric already. I'm so excited to feel those moves!
  • My jeans and I are currently not getting along. They fit until I need to bend over, or eat or drink ANYTHING. So I thought maybe maternity jeans were something I needed to try... boy was I wrong. I understand I am going to be a mom, but that doesn't mean I want MOM jeans! These maternity jeans were loose fitting in the crotch, tight in the knees and just plain unflattering! But the light at the end of the tunnel... maternity leggings are insanely comfy and flattering. The smooth belly band is great and will only be better as my belly gets bigger. As for the jeans, I'll stick to my old jeans with a hair tie around the button ;)
  • I have gotten 2 blood draws and my flu shot! I am so proud of myself for getting through them without having a fainting spell or a seizure (this would have jeopardized our plans for a home birth). 
  • The goal for our next 4 weeks is to schedule the ultrasound where we will hopefully determine the gender (which is actually kind of exciting) and I need to gain 5 pounds since I still haven't gained any (necessary though not exciting). 

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