Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hello Second Trimester

If your reading this, I apologize ahead of time for the poor quality of my writing. I really don't have a clue what I'll have to say here, I just know that right now, I'm afraid to not document everything as it happens. I don't want to miss a single moment or forget it later.

With the exception of our wedding day, I have never felt such happiness and joy as I felt the day Eric and I counted to three and looked at the stick together. We are also so excited that our family and friends are just as excited as we are. Hearing all the words of congratulations and well wishes made it that much more real. It's a strange feeling to have it go from our secret to having everyone know and speak about it in day to day conversation. Just another thing all my silly hormones made me cry over the other day, a secret and special time that Eric and I shared for a time and won't happen again.

As for the specifics, we are three months along which puts the due date around April the 1st. Right now it feels so so far away but just looking at the last three months, they have flown by so I know better than to say how long its taking! The first 6 weeks after we found out were not what I anticipated they would be. I was pretty dragged down by morning sickness and lost a fair amount of weight, which wasn't too concerning but isn't ideal. Sweat pants and a t-shirt are my friends. I'm feeling a bit better this week though, it being the beginning of the second trimester I'm hoping it will get better bit by bit, though food is still... well to put it simply.... icky. My poor husband has been a trooper for me though, cooking us dinner for an hour and then watching me eat, only to throw it up or only eat two bites. He's such a great man.

I look forward to watching my body change, almost as proof that the blessing really is making progress in there, and I think I've even tricked myself into thinking I've felt movement. We are excited to be able to get the nursery set up and make a place in this home for the baby.

We will get to find out the gender at the end of November, which will be perfect timing for Christmas! Shall we start taking bets for a he or she?

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