Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year Resolutions

The second trimester has come and gone! It is really sad to see that one go since I have felt so amazing. I love being pregnant! With the exception of a few nasty leg cramps or restlessness at night, everything has gone so well. I gained the 5 pounds our midwife wanted to see and in the past 4 weeks have gained 2 more. Generally around 26 weeks or so pregnant women go in for a glucose test to see whether they are at risk for gestational diabetes. A perk of having a midwife and planning a home birth is my care can be really specialized and rather than being flooded with unnecessary and stressful testing we can decide which to do and which are unnecessary. I am considered low risk for gestational diabetes therefore won't be taking the glucose test assuming the rest of my blood work continues to be normal. Other pregnancy tidbits, my skin is looking and feeling awesome, goodbye nasty pregnancy acne! And I've had some random and annoying nosebleeds. In other baby news, Eric painted the nursery! YAY! There won't be any postings of it until I have it more decorated however ;) I've been very itchy to get art on the walls and drapes up! I wish I could just snap my fingers and make it happen!
Eric and I attended our first birthing class last night, which we were both very nervous for. We chose to go with the Bradley Method birthing course for many reasons. They have a really excellent reputation for having a natural birth outcome, which is pretty important when your having a home birth ;) Also they really put their main focus on presenting birth as a team effort between the mother and the father, and aim at teaching Eric to be my labor coach. Not that I am an expert on birth (bahaha far from lol) but I am really excited for him to become more empowered and be able to successfully meet my needs during labor rather that feeling helpless and be a hugely important part of his sons birth, as opposed to being a nervous wreck. With these courses the instructors receive their certification to teach and then often teach out of their homes so generally I have heard its best to be referred to a great instructor. The trouble with this is our midwife is based out of Boulder and doesn't have many resources in northern Colorado so we were flying by the seat of our pants when we looked for a class. Luckily for us our instructors are great. It is a husband/wife team who teaches the class who had 2 hospital and one home birth. Just after the one class, I am already grateful that they teach it together. We actually get to see the husbands side of labor and really get to see how great of a team they have become through the Bradley Method. There are 3 other couples in the class, 2 are planning a natural hospital birth with an OB and 1 who is planning a natural hospital birth with a nurse midwife. I'm most excited to meet back up with them after the babies are born and see how our experiences all vary.
On New Years eve Eric and I were lying in bed discussing "resolutions" and usually we would say things like eating healthier or setting a savings goal but of course this year is so different than past years. My resolution is to put Eric's and our families needs above my own and be more selfless. Eric's resolution is to be a great husband and dad. While I didn't have a father as I was growing up that gives a girl plenty of time to see the traits that make great dads great, and Eric has all of those plus more. He is open-minded, kind, truthful, accepting, and a great leader. To find out we are having a boy made me that much more eager to watch him get to be an amazing father the way his dad was with him. I'm so thrilled to get to be a mother but equally thrilled to see their relationship grow.

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