Monday, November 25, 2013

More than Half Way

We have passed the half way point! I can't believe it has gone this fast! When other women in my life have been pregnant, 9 months just seemed like a very long time, but now that its me it is flying by! At our last midwife appointment, lots of information was discussed. The first thing we talked about was the new prenatal I began taking that was food based and organic. She recommended it because the vitamins are more easily absorbed into the body in that form, however I had what I think was an allergic reaction to them with a rash on my chest, neck and lower jaw so I stopped taking those and went with my previous vitamin. Then we discussed my weight. I still haven't gained any which still isn't a huge concern, but at some point I need to put on pounds so she gave some goals like 2000 calories a day and 80 grams of protein. I have regained most of my appetite so I don't think I will loose any more. We talked about the results of the last blood draw that included the AFP which came back with no abnormalities so we can rule out down syndrome or spina bifida. I have a negative blood type, which means depending on Eric's blood type, I would have to have the rhogam shot. I know I need to get over the needle phobia thing but seriously, the needle for this shot is HUGE and you have to have it done twice! Well my husband is a great person and instead of me just getting the shot, he went and had his blood tested! Turns out we are a match made in heaven and he is also negative so I don't need to have the shot :) This was such a relief for me! We have also finally been able to schedule our ultra sound! I would love prayers for a healthy baby with normal amniotic fluid levels, a healthy placenta, and good cord attachment so our plans for a smooth natural birth are even more likely to come true. Finding out the gender will also be a big step!

I have felt really really great. The belly is certainly bigger and I'm happy to say I look like you can more easily tell I'm pregnant not just chubby! Baby moves and wiggles all day and even says hello when I'm up in the middle of the night. I remind myself I won't feel lonely again! Night time is a touch difficult because my hips hurt and I've been experiencing leg cramping (which has gotten much better with the advice from friends and family to eat bananas and stretch). My acne has been driving me nuts. Nothing I do makes it better. Moisturize, exfoliate, pop, leave them alone; it doesn't matter they are always there just laughing at me.

We have gotten a few birthing books and I am just soaking up all the information I can. Reading lots of birth stories with a positive homebirth outcome as well as others. I feel like the more that I vision a smooth birth and have positive thoughts and let go of my fears I will be in a place to let my body do what it needs to do. I am really looking forward to experiencing that!

Thanksgiving is coming up and I am reminded how much I have to be thankful for in every aspect of my life!

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