Monday, November 4, 2013

The "Quickening"

I'm at a loss for what to say this time around! I have felt the best physically that I have felt since the day we found out I was pregnant though emotionally I have been on a roller coaster ride the last few weeks.
I've been anticipating the "quickening" or the moment when I first feel the baby move, and I am certain that I would have felt it last week sometime but some strange stomach bug made me uncertain if I was feeling upset/bubbly stomach or baby somersaults! Today however, during one of the conferences I had with a family at work, I felt a distinctive bump, and I instantly pictured a little fist or heel poking my belly. A moment I have been so excited for and yet, I was so happy to be home and see Eric after my day that I completely forgotten to even tell him until I was cooking dinner! Oh if only life would slow down enough for us to share these moments! ANYWAY the "quickening" is an important milestone in pregnancy because many midwives believe that the baby will arrive 20 weeks from the day you first feel movement! A pretty crazy exciting thought! I already find myself doing a mini version of the pregnancy waddle towards the end of the day and quickly correct myself, I CAN'T BE THERE YET, CAN I!?
I've been trying to eat as healthy as I can but once a week or so the morning sickness hits me and I'll loose my lunch. It's been hard to slow down enough at work to remember to eat my apple or to drink my water and I haven't gained any weight this month. I don't feel that its a particularly bad thing since I was curvy before I got pregnant but I want to make sure it isn't unhealthy either.

Eric continues to be an amazing husband and support system for me and my hormonal, emotional roller coast ride. I can tell he is getting excited since he is already talking about the best place to move the office furniture from out of the nursery and he's getting antsy about picking out paint colors and getting the room painted. Loving the adorable tidbits of daddy-nesting :)

Any guesses on whether we will have a boy or a girl? Now is the time to state your vote! We will find out in two weeks or so!

Happy Halloween! We were Minions at work, baby belly got to be a Minion as well!

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