Saturday, December 7, 2013

He or She What Will It Be?

Tuesday marked the 23rd week of my pregnancy! We celebrated Thanksgiving 2013 with my mom, my Scott, my sister, two brothers, grandparents, nieces, and step sisters all gathered at our house. In my perfect world, I want to host the dinner where all the place settings are matching with the beautiful center piece and shiny casserole dishes with to die for presentation. However, my budding dishware collection is lacking a few key pieces like pans to cook a turkey or a casserole dish for green bean casserole so this meal would have never happened without my amazing mom and grandma. They knew before they even came over to help cook that I would need a few of these items and came fully prepared. It was such a relief because I spent 5 hours that morning making pies that I was sure were going to be a flop because I was missing half the ingredients! Thanks to my mom and grandmas thoughtfulness though, the rest of the meal was perfection and the pies didn't turn out bad either. We cooked some delicious food and managed to survive the spilled Costco size jar of pickles. It was wonderful to have everyone under the same roof laughing and talking together and made me think how lucky I am to have these people in my life to support, love and accept me. 

Following the excitement of Thanksgiving, we had our first ultrasound to look forward to on December 6th! Leading up to the ultrasound I had been looking at tons of ultrasound pictures and reading about what they would be showing us. So Friday afternoon we climbed into the Subaru and headed down to the Denver Tech Center to our midwives preferred clinic, Genassist. I haven't spoken much about our homebirth journey because it had a bumpy start when I wasn't far along and just wanted to see an OB about my morning sickness while continuing my care with my midwife. I called the OB's office and mentioned we were pursuing a homebirth but wanted to first be seen medically first and the receptionist on the phone treated me like I was insane and said before they would see or treat me I would need to agree to transfer my care solely to them and birth in the hospital. After feeling the unaccepting uneducated view of homebirth in the medical world I was worried I would get a similar welcome at the ultrasound clinic. Boy was I wrong. Dr. Wexler and his receptionist were so warm and welcoming to us and didn't treat us like we were making a foolish decision or risking my health, but rather as a normal couple who was excited to see the status of their growing miracle. He also had nothing but good things to say about our midwife and spoke highly of her expertise. I was instantly put at ease and able to relax and enjoy the appointment as I feel every mother-to-be should. Turns out our baby likes to be head down, feet up on the left side of my belly, which is more than likely the cause of most of my morning sickness and loss of appetite. Right away I was in such shock that the movement I felt actually came from that tiny little being on the screen, which by the way was moving the entire appointment! Dr. Wexler quickly found the arm bones and leg bones. 

Footsie with toes!

We saw from the skull to the tail bone which was above my belly button, and there sat a little bum and thigh bones perfectly positioned to see something else, that wasn't the umbilical cord! We have a BOY! Not only do we have a boy but we have a boy who has all the proper organs in the proper places, with a healthy spine, heart, kidneys and brain, who is being housed in a healthy placenta and nourished by a healthy umbilical cord! The look on Eric's face when Dr. Wexler said that we were looking at the gender, and it was obvious what it was, was priceless. He had been so convinced that we were having a girl that I think he was just in pure shock. I on the other hand turned into a leaky faucet and cried off and on like a baby the rest of the appointment out of joy. The due date for our son (crazy that I am saying that!) is still April the 1st since he was right on with all of his measurements. Because his head was so low, and he was facing away from my belly we don't have a profile photo but just look at those little toes! So there you have it! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

More than Half Way

We have passed the half way point! I can't believe it has gone this fast! When other women in my life have been pregnant, 9 months just seemed like a very long time, but now that its me it is flying by! At our last midwife appointment, lots of information was discussed. The first thing we talked about was the new prenatal I began taking that was food based and organic. She recommended it because the vitamins are more easily absorbed into the body in that form, however I had what I think was an allergic reaction to them with a rash on my chest, neck and lower jaw so I stopped taking those and went with my previous vitamin. Then we discussed my weight. I still haven't gained any which still isn't a huge concern, but at some point I need to put on pounds so she gave some goals like 2000 calories a day and 80 grams of protein. I have regained most of my appetite so I don't think I will loose any more. We talked about the results of the last blood draw that included the AFP which came back with no abnormalities so we can rule out down syndrome or spina bifida. I have a negative blood type, which means depending on Eric's blood type, I would have to have the rhogam shot. I know I need to get over the needle phobia thing but seriously, the needle for this shot is HUGE and you have to have it done twice! Well my husband is a great person and instead of me just getting the shot, he went and had his blood tested! Turns out we are a match made in heaven and he is also negative so I don't need to have the shot :) This was such a relief for me! We have also finally been able to schedule our ultra sound! I would love prayers for a healthy baby with normal amniotic fluid levels, a healthy placenta, and good cord attachment so our plans for a smooth natural birth are even more likely to come true. Finding out the gender will also be a big step!

I have felt really really great. The belly is certainly bigger and I'm happy to say I look like you can more easily tell I'm pregnant not just chubby! Baby moves and wiggles all day and even says hello when I'm up in the middle of the night. I remind myself I won't feel lonely again! Night time is a touch difficult because my hips hurt and I've been experiencing leg cramping (which has gotten much better with the advice from friends and family to eat bananas and stretch). My acne has been driving me nuts. Nothing I do makes it better. Moisturize, exfoliate, pop, leave them alone; it doesn't matter they are always there just laughing at me.

We have gotten a few birthing books and I am just soaking up all the information I can. Reading lots of birth stories with a positive homebirth outcome as well as others. I feel like the more that I vision a smooth birth and have positive thoughts and let go of my fears I will be in a place to let my body do what it needs to do. I am really looking forward to experiencing that!

Thanksgiving is coming up and I am reminded how much I have to be thankful for in every aspect of my life!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The "Quickening"

I'm at a loss for what to say this time around! I have felt the best physically that I have felt since the day we found out I was pregnant though emotionally I have been on a roller coaster ride the last few weeks.
I've been anticipating the "quickening" or the moment when I first feel the baby move, and I am certain that I would have felt it last week sometime but some strange stomach bug made me uncertain if I was feeling upset/bubbly stomach or baby somersaults! Today however, during one of the conferences I had with a family at work, I felt a distinctive bump, and I instantly pictured a little fist or heel poking my belly. A moment I have been so excited for and yet, I was so happy to be home and see Eric after my day that I completely forgotten to even tell him until I was cooking dinner! Oh if only life would slow down enough for us to share these moments! ANYWAY the "quickening" is an important milestone in pregnancy because many midwives believe that the baby will arrive 20 weeks from the day you first feel movement! A pretty crazy exciting thought! I already find myself doing a mini version of the pregnancy waddle towards the end of the day and quickly correct myself, I CAN'T BE THERE YET, CAN I!?
I've been trying to eat as healthy as I can but once a week or so the morning sickness hits me and I'll loose my lunch. It's been hard to slow down enough at work to remember to eat my apple or to drink my water and I haven't gained any weight this month. I don't feel that its a particularly bad thing since I was curvy before I got pregnant but I want to make sure it isn't unhealthy either.

Eric continues to be an amazing husband and support system for me and my hormonal, emotional roller coast ride. I can tell he is getting excited since he is already talking about the best place to move the office furniture from out of the nursery and he's getting antsy about picking out paint colors and getting the room painted. Loving the adorable tidbits of daddy-nesting :)

Any guesses on whether we will have a boy or a girl? Now is the time to state your vote! We will find out in two weeks or so!

Happy Halloween! We were Minions at work, baby belly got to be a Minion as well!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 16

It has been so long since my last post! Life got a bit crazy a week or so ago with the tough decision we had to make about our cat, Remy. We decided it was best for the future of our family that Remy find a new home after we had been dealing with his urinating outside the litter box since we had adopted him. The humane society did their testing and found that he was un-adoptable due to his issues with the litter box and other behavior problems along with his age. They suggested that euthanasia would be best and after praying about it we agreed. It was the hardest thing we have had to make a decision about. We are going to miss you fat boy.

After all that stress and sadness, we had our anniversary trip to Steamboat Springs to look forward to. We had the best time just being together. We went on our first hike since being pregnant, where I suddenly felt very pregnant and uncoordinated. We remarked many times how great it will be to bring our little ones with us and enjoy the outdoors with them. I had a touch of nostalgia though as I was thinking that it was most likely our last getaway just the two of us and perhaps I had taken our time alone for granted. Almost 6 years of Eric and Alyssa time is coming to an end and I will soon have to share my husband with our precious little one. I am of course not sad or bitter of the change, we have wanted this for sometime, I just can't grasp how much of a change it will really be yet.
In pregnancy news, nothing really exciting to report. Here's my list of not so exciting things instead:

  • After our second meeting with the midwife, we confirmed that there is still a baby in there! We only heard a total of 10 heart beats though because this baby seemed to be doing all sorts of flips and turns in there, refusing to sit still, sounds just like Eric already. I'm so excited to feel those moves!
  • My jeans and I are currently not getting along. They fit until I need to bend over, or eat or drink ANYTHING. So I thought maybe maternity jeans were something I needed to try... boy was I wrong. I understand I am going to be a mom, but that doesn't mean I want MOM jeans! These maternity jeans were loose fitting in the crotch, tight in the knees and just plain unflattering! But the light at the end of the tunnel... maternity leggings are insanely comfy and flattering. The smooth belly band is great and will only be better as my belly gets bigger. As for the jeans, I'll stick to my old jeans with a hair tie around the button ;)
  • I have gotten 2 blood draws and my flu shot! I am so proud of myself for getting through them without having a fainting spell or a seizure (this would have jeopardized our plans for a home birth). 
  • The goal for our next 4 weeks is to schedule the ultrasound where we will hopefully determine the gender (which is actually kind of exciting) and I need to gain 5 pounds since I still haven't gained any (necessary though not exciting). 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hello Second Trimester

If your reading this, I apologize ahead of time for the poor quality of my writing. I really don't have a clue what I'll have to say here, I just know that right now, I'm afraid to not document everything as it happens. I don't want to miss a single moment or forget it later.

With the exception of our wedding day, I have never felt such happiness and joy as I felt the day Eric and I counted to three and looked at the stick together. We are also so excited that our family and friends are just as excited as we are. Hearing all the words of congratulations and well wishes made it that much more real. It's a strange feeling to have it go from our secret to having everyone know and speak about it in day to day conversation. Just another thing all my silly hormones made me cry over the other day, a secret and special time that Eric and I shared for a time and won't happen again.

As for the specifics, we are three months along which puts the due date around April the 1st. Right now it feels so so far away but just looking at the last three months, they have flown by so I know better than to say how long its taking! The first 6 weeks after we found out were not what I anticipated they would be. I was pretty dragged down by morning sickness and lost a fair amount of weight, which wasn't too concerning but isn't ideal. Sweat pants and a t-shirt are my friends. I'm feeling a bit better this week though, it being the beginning of the second trimester I'm hoping it will get better bit by bit, though food is still... well to put it simply.... icky. My poor husband has been a trooper for me though, cooking us dinner for an hour and then watching me eat, only to throw it up or only eat two bites. He's such a great man.

I look forward to watching my body change, almost as proof that the blessing really is making progress in there, and I think I've even tricked myself into thinking I've felt movement. We are excited to be able to get the nursery set up and make a place in this home for the baby.

We will get to find out the gender at the end of November, which will be perfect timing for Christmas! Shall we start taking bets for a he or she?