Monday, February 17, 2014

Closer to the End

So, once again it has been way to long since I blogged last. I began working part time and thought, oh I'll have much more time for this, and that has been the furthest from the truth! 
Around the time I last blogged we had recently started our birthing classes and were still getting the feel for them. We've enjoyed going and getting to chat with the other parents and learning the different positions for labor and what to expect. The greatest thing this class has brought us though is confidence that we have done our research well and have the best midwife and made the best decision for us. We have been seeing our midwife every 2 weeks now and have been gathering the supplies we will need for the home birth. She gave us a list (I LOVE lists) and we've almost purchased or gathered everything we need off the list. It includes the following:

  • 2 drop cloths (to protect the carpet, birth is messy!)
  • q-tips and alcohol for cord care
  • flashlight
  • tea, juice, munchies and a natural version of Gatorade
  • sitz bath herbs
  • underarm thermometer
  • kleenex
  • hydrogen peroxide (removes blood)
  • menstrual pads (oh boy!)
  • sheets, towels (enough for mom and baby)
  • blankets
  • clothing for baby
In addition to the list we ordered our midwives birth kit that she customized through a neat home birth website. It has more of the medical sterile items that you couldn't purchase at a normal store like chucks, cord clamp, gloves, booger sucker (to clear babies airway), ect. 

I feel like I have been in slightly crazy nesting mode and it feels so great to get things checked off the must do list. Today specifically was a huge day. We traded in an expired car seat kindly given to us by a former coworker to use for the trade in event at Babies R Us and got our first car seat! A great way to get recalled and expired items out of peoples homes, you bring in the old equipment to Babies R US and get 25% off the new one. Eric's next project will be to install it! Then today my mom called us when she was a block away from our house with the crib! Babies grandmas and grandpas were in cahoots and got us the crib, mattress and toddler rail we had been eyeing. Thank you so much to our parents for that, it means so much to us. It is now put together and looking stunning in the nursery, YAY! Eric also finished the touch up painting in the nursery, we found a used glider on craigslist that is now all cleaned up as well as an old dresser to go with the vintage feel. Between the glider and the dresser we've only spent $200! Nothing feels better than being thrifty!

We had our 34 week appointment this morning and health wise everything looks great! His heart rate is between 140-150, he is head down, and through the midwifes expert hands, feels to be about 5 pounds (nice and round just like we want him, no low birth weight babies). We talked about breast feeding and positions to make that easier and what the first few weeks will look like and that made it so much more real!

The next big things coming up: home visit by the midwife and her assistant to see the house again discuss everyone's jobs that day and a baby shower thrown by my mom, best friend Kelsey, and little sister! We have never felt more loved than to hear someone wants to throw a party for us. I can't wait to see all those we love.

Look how round the belly is in this picture! I think he was trying to escape through my belly button haha!